Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gallows Humor

Screen Shot 2012-10-30 at 6.52.48 PMManhattan, a place I've always considered a spiritual home and sometimes an actual one, actually turned into�a real life version of all�those post-apocalyptic movies about Manhattan on Monday evening as Superstorm Sandy hit landfall. We all learned that what the disaster�movies miss in their bathos is something elemental to human behavior in these sorts of situations: Gallows humor. Those of us with access to the Internet watched enthralled as the center of world commerce, New York City, was swallowed by flooding that eventually left 43 people dead and millions of dollars of property damaged.�Because of all of the aforementioned disaster movies, the scenes broadcast were eerily familiar. Fake photos of the carnage abounded, trumped only by the more horrific, and real photos of the carnage. And jokes, lots of jokes.



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