Tuesday, September 14, 2010

These Are Not The Addroids You Are Looking For

George Lucas likes lawsuits. He also really likes the word "Droid", which Lucasfilm holds the rights to (yes, Verizon actually licenses the word "Droid" for its handsets). In fact, Lucas likes the word so much that he (or at least, his law firm) will threaten to sue you for using it as the name of your company ? even the letters DROID make up just part of your company name.

That's what Matt Cooper found out this week, when Lucasfilm's lawyers sent him a cease and desist notice demanding that he change the name of his company, Addroid. Cooper says the new startup is an HTML5-based ad serving platform (hence the ad part of the name), and because it's digital advertising he thought that a tie to the techie word "android" would be appropriate.


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