Friday, December 3, 2010

Gifts For The Hipster In Your Life

My colleagues at CrunchGear tend to romanticize my lifestyle somewhat, and are convinced that I am the most egregious hipster on the planet. It's true that I have a scruffy chin and hang out at dive bars a lot, but if they'd spent as much time as I on the mean streets of Seattle, they'd know just how mild my hipster qualities truly are. That said, I understand the species somewhat, and have been able to formulate this gift guide for those of you who might have gift responsibilities toward a hipster friend or relative. It's important that this hipster gift guide is for 2010 only. I can't be held responsible for what might occur if you should return to it for recommendations next year ? the bright plumage and novelty facial hair of the hipster belie his sanguinary nature, and out-of-season offerings are known to enrage him.



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