Friday, February 25, 2011

Plan B from Lookout Labs will find your phone after you've already lost it

Plan B

A new twist on the "find my phone" genera of apps comes out today from Lookout Labs called Plan B.  If the name didn't give it away, it's an application that tracks your phone that is installed remotely via the Android Market website after you've lost it.  Using it is simple:

  • Realize that your phone isn't where it should be, and a quick look under the car seats or in the couch cushions doesn't find it
  • On your computer, head to the Android Market website
  • Install Plan B
  • Check your email

Once installed, Plan B will start sending text messages via email to the address of your Google account, with handy Google Maps links to your phone's location.  This works even if GPS isn't enabled.  Then it's a matter of seeing where it is, and deciding how to retrieve it.  Pretty slick if you ask me, and it seemed to work perfectly on my Nexus S.  To give it a test or keep the link handy, follow the break for the download. 

Plan B from Lookout Labs will find your phone after you've already lost it posted originally by Android Central

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