Qualcomm has announced that two new Snapdragon S4s are on the way, with both touting quad-core CPUs with a budget-friendly price. The MSM8225Q and MSM8625Q both build on the S4 design, complete with support for LPDDR2 memory, Wifi, Bluetooth 4.0 and FM connectivity using the Qualcomm Atheros AR6005 and WCN2243 chips.
The major difference between the two chips is that the Snapdragon S4 Play MSM8625Q features Qualcomm's integrated multimode UMTS/CDMA modem, and the MSM8225Q has an integrated UMTS modem. In layman's speak -- the MSM8625Q will work on Verizon and Sprint. The real difference, and likely where the cost cutting comes into play, is in the GPU. Snapdragon "Pro" models feature a stronger graphics processor, though the exact model in tonight's new chips hasn't been disclosed.
If you're a hardware nerd, the long version is in the press release after the break. If you're not, just know that Qualcomm is making a slightly cheaper, yet still high-end quad-core CPU to power the next generation of mid-level handsets. It's good news all around.
More: Android hardware forums (get your nerd on!)
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/VmrjMSIv4DQ/story01.htm
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