Sunday, September 1, 2013

Best iPhone, iPad, and Mac gear and apps for back to school!

Best iPhone, iPad, and Mac gear and apps for back to school!

The absolute best iOS and Mac gear and apps for elementary, high school, and college parents, teachers, and students!

Whether you - or someone you love - has already gone back to school, are just about to, or the next school year is still far off in the future, there are a ton of great apps and accessories to make your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad even better in the classroom, and the Mac even more productive. We've spent the last few weeks collecting our favorites, and here they are in one convenient, bookmarkable and shareable place!

iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac: 2013 back to school buyers guide!

iPhone, iPad, iPod an Mac: 2013 back to school buyers guide!

There's nothing more stressful for parents or students than the annual back-to-school insanity that prefaces the actual return to educational institutions across the land. From kindergarten to grade school to high school to college, from clothes to supplies to books to gadgets, there's so much to get done and so little time to do it. We feel your pain. It's our pain too. And while we can't help you with all of it, we can absolutely help you with the gadget part. Whether you're a parent shopping for your child, or a student trying to decide what to get yourself, here's every iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Mac made by Apple, and our buyer's guide for each and every one!

Important note: Apple will almost certainly release new iPhones, iPods, iPads, and Macs (with the exception of the Air) this fall. If you have to buy now, now, now, ignore that and get whatever's best today. If you can wait, however, you'll typically pay the same amount for better technology come September/October.

The best back to school apps for Mac

The best back to school apps for Mac

It's that time of year when kids flock back to school and parents collectively breathe a sigh of relief. Some mornings the air is getting crisp and soon the leaves will start to turn - it's back to school time. If you're a Mac-using household and you'd like to get things together for the new school year, I've come up with a list of helpful Mac apps for you to look at. What's more, some of them integrate or complement iOS companion apps.

Best iPhone and iPad apps for elementary school

Best iPhone and iPad apps for elementary school: MathBoard, Super Speller, Intro to Letters, and more!

School supplies, textbooks, clothes, and more are no doubt on the list of must-haves for anyone with kids about to go to - or go back to - school. But whether you're a parent or a teacher, there's something else that should be on everyone's lists - apps! Here are some of our favorite apps for elementary school classrooms and kids!




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